Passive House
What is Passive House?
Passive House (or PassivHaus) is a low-energy building standard developed in Germany to provide specific measurements, frameworks and methodologies to to reduce the energy demands of a building.
Passive House construction is a fabric first approach to building which focuses on high levels of insulation, airtightness and minimal thermal bridging.
Why choose Passive House?
The UK construction industry faces a serious problem with what is known as the ‘performance gap’ – our buildings do not perform as well as they should and energy consumption is higher as a result. Working to Passive House standard ensures a specific level of measurable performance resulting in buildings with predictable (and extremely low) levels of energy usage.
To achieve Passive House standard a building must have a heating demand of no more than 15 kWh/m². yr – around 10% of what the average UK home consumes.